I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad!  Joyeux Noël! Buon Natale! メリークリスマス!

I am in the most Christmas-y mood today!!  It was incredibly foggy this morning and despite the fact that California drivers are suuuuper slow in "bad" weather (i.e. slight showers, wind at speeds higher than 0, a cloud...you get the picture)  I am just so pumped about the cold weather! You know how weather affects your mood in that sun is supposed to put you in a good one and rain is bad?  I'm the opposite! I hate the sun and I love the rain!  Anyhow, that's all I have to say of the weather...

I am incredibly bored and I am in great anticipation to go home because I am wrapping Christmas presents and let me tell you, I am the best at giving gifts!  Ask Victoria...she knows, for she is also on the same amazing gift-giving level.  I haven't gotten all the gifts I need to buy, but I've gotten a few and there is time!  What are you guys getting for people?

Okay, Song of the Day:

I love this song to bits and pieces!

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