I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One Week...

Hello fellow holiday freaks!

It is officially time to start freaking out, as Thanksgiving is only one week away!  I am uber excited and if you are a complete dork like me then you are uber excited too!  My grandparents are coming to eat my amazing attempt to cook the entire feast.  My mom and I are going shopping this weekend and starting to prep!! I cannot wait...PLUS...once Thanksgiving is over we only have a month left until Christmas!!!  I absolutely adore Christmas, but I don't think that we should take part in celebrating it until after Thanksgiving...each holiday should have its own shining moment!  Nordstrom has got this down, they don't decorate or put out Christmas merchandise until the day after Thanksgiving!  They say that this is their little tradition! Amazing.

On a less jazzy note, I am completely failing the Song of the Day...however, in my defense, when I get something new or find something I like, I become obsessed and cannot stop thinking about it.  So I have been obsessed with the first song I put on for like two weeks now, and , therefore, cannot find a song that I like as much!  I will post two now, however, one will be by the same person as before and one will be a song that I have kept as a favorite from the past:

Okay, so this one is Crazy Love by Mindy Gledhill.  I love her and it is my personal mission at this point in time to buy this whole CD and her recent Christmas CD, but for now I listen on YouTube.  Enjoy.

My favorite. If you have been reading my posts you know that I am kind of in love with this wonderful specimen...he's some kind of wonderful!  Anyways, this one is my personal favorite of his and I love to sing and dance as though he and I are doing a duet...I'm a nerd...oh well! 

Okie Dokie, I will try to get on later,  but once more I must slowly die in my terrible anthropology class...


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