I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I am worn out!  I have, in the last five hours, made fresh cranberry sauce, dried out some bread, dropped the dried out bread, mixed some spices, cut some onions, cut some celery, cut some cheese...okay that one was a lie...you thought it was funny though!, and I have made rolls to put into the freezer!  I am pooped and I officially plan to go to my room, pop Winnie the Pooh in, and glitter some stuff! Thanksgiving is going to be fun and stressful...oh well!

I have also made it my life goal to do a "Julie and Julia" thing, but with both of Martha Stewart's recipes...

Okay, I am now leaving so au revoir and until tomorrow...


P.S. In honor of my Winnie the Pooh obsession, the song of the day...

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Just as I got on here and read this, I was turning on Winnie the Pooh! Insane! I am super proud as well as jealous of your Thanksgiving preparations! I desperately wish I was also doing this. Maybe tomorrow I will, and then the real chef in my house can just su...okay I won't finish that sentence. But you can in your mind. I am now going to proceed to call you.
    Love, Victoria
