Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! Buon Natale! メリークリスマス!
I am in the most Christmas-y mood today!! It was incredibly foggy this morning and despite the fact that California drivers are suuuuper slow in "bad" weather (i.e. slight showers, wind at speeds higher than 0, a get the picture) I am just so pumped about the cold weather! You know how weather affects your mood in that sun is supposed to put you in a good one and rain is bad? I'm the opposite! I hate the sun and I love the rain! Anyhow, that's all I have to say of the weather...
I am incredibly bored and I am in great anticipation to go home because I am wrapping Christmas presents and let me tell you, I am the best at giving gifts! Ask Victoria...she knows, for she is also on the same amazing gift-giving level. I haven't gotten all the gifts I need to buy, but I've gotten a few and there is time! What are you guys getting for people?
Okay, Song of the Day:
I love this song to bits and pieces!
I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
"You have to sleep. It's what keeps you pretty."-Lorelai Gilmore
I am so very tired today! I stayed up far too late doing homework...shame on me...although it's been worse so I wasn't upset about it or anything, I'm just half dead now. So if you are also tired because of reasons that are pretty much your own fault, comment I'd like to hear you complain...heck, it's all I do!
Moving on...weirdest thing happened today...well a few weird things happened today and it's only 8:40 in the morning! I was driving to school and it was gross and sunny, like December, so anyways, I was driving and I was on the freeway when all of a sudden I was immersed in this super thick white fog! It was awesome and then like two minutes later it was clear as water again...creepy!! Then I was walking to class and for the past few days it has been irritatingly warm, so I wore a t-shirt and a light jacket instead of sweating in my super cute coat and scarf for the fifth day in a row. So I get out of my car and it is freezing! So I button my jacket up and shove my hands in my pockets, but that pulls at the center so I look fat! This all leads to the last weird you all know my thing with frogs, well today I had a similar may say 'Oh she saw another frog...ho hum...get over it.', but I didn't see a frog...I saw a huge and I mean the size of your palm huge, spider!! It was dead thank heavens, but still gross!
So I had like six episodes of Pan Am recorded on my dvr...all you tivo people, suck it...that was mean...i take it back...I love you...whoa...creepy...ahhh distraction...okay so I decided to watch them the other day and after the last episode I had I was officially obsessed and now I have to wait until Sunday! Ugh! I hate that!
Okie Dokie I must go and share the library computers so here is another Christmas Song of the Day:
Moving on...weirdest thing happened today...well a few weird things happened today and it's only 8:40 in the morning! I was driving to school and it was gross and sunny, like December, so anyways, I was driving and I was on the freeway when all of a sudden I was immersed in this super thick white fog! It was awesome and then like two minutes later it was clear as water again...creepy!! Then I was walking to class and for the past few days it has been irritatingly warm, so I wore a t-shirt and a light jacket instead of sweating in my super cute coat and scarf for the fifth day in a row. So I get out of my car and it is freezing! So I button my jacket up and shove my hands in my pockets, but that pulls at the center so I look fat! This all leads to the last weird you all know my thing with frogs, well today I had a similar may say 'Oh she saw another frog...ho hum...get over it.', but I didn't see a frog...I saw a huge and I mean the size of your palm huge, spider!! It was dead thank heavens, but still gross!
So I had like six episodes of Pan Am recorded on my dvr...all you tivo people, suck it...that was mean...i take it back...I love you...whoa...creepy...ahhh distraction...okay so I decided to watch them the other day and after the last episode I had I was officially obsessed and now I have to wait until Sunday! Ugh! I hate that!
Okie Dokie I must go and share the library computers so here is another Christmas Song of the Day:
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hello everybody!! I am deeply sorry for not posting anything in the past few days! My Grandparents were here and it was extremely fun, but I therefore had no time to get on the computer! So I am on now...very tired, sad because my grandparents left today, and I desperately want to go home!! I think I have a bad case of senioritis, which is quite unfortunate because school is a lot of work!! I am now going to go to my English
Song of the Day
I absolutely adore this song, especially when it is so far before Christmas is here!
Song of the Day
I absolutely adore this song, especially when it is so far before Christmas is here!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lorelai Gilmore's answering machine: "I have nothing cute to say for my message...puppies...hey that's cute, now leave yours."
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving...
Happy turkey day!!!! My Thanksgiving dinner, that of which I made all by myself, was s'marvelous!! My turkey was kind of AMAZING!! Think I'm exaggerating?? I'm not I roasted a 26lb. turkey to complete perfection!! The green bean casserole and the apple pie were a tad undercooked, but they still tasted good!!
By the way it's officially time to begin Christmas Song of the Day and to kick it off:
By the way it's officially time to begin Christmas Song of the Day and to kick it off:
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
"You walk into Denny's before 5:00 and you've got yourself a discount."-Lorelai Gilmore
Today is quite the day! My grandparents are coming to visit for a week and it is my "nephew", Max's, birthday!! So happy Birthday Max!!
Busy day...baking pie...yum.
Okay, signing off...again Happy Birthday to Max,
Love, Auntie Kayla!!
I don't really like this song, but you get my point...
Busy day...baking pie...yum.
Okay, signing off...again Happy Birthday to Max,
Love, Auntie Kayla!!
I don't really like this song, but you get my point...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Okie Dokie...
So I am in a College Connect dealio in which I go to school at the community college to get ahead, while I take independent study to get the rest of my high school credits...(I'm a senior in high no I'm not some 40 year old who didn't finish school...)...So I have my I.S. class at 7:50 in the morning and then one class on Mon., Wed., and Fri., and I have two classes on Tues. and Thurs. At my high school we get a week of school off for Thanksgiving, but at the college we only get two days off. So for my I.S. class I am done on Tuesday, but I am not going to any of my Tuesday classes because one was cancelled and the other is stupid and she doesn't take roll, so why the heck should I go to my I.S. class?! Well, because!! My mind does not work like a normal teenagers!!
Normal Teen: 'I'm so not going to my stupid flipping class because I don't give a crap!'
Me: 'Oh my gosh! I am super mad that I have that class, but I can't not go! If I don't go I will miss stuff and get in trouble and my whole entire education will be ruined!'
Why? you might ask does my thought process sound more akin to a cowardly five year old? Well, because I am a freak and I find the lack of a normal vocabulary and increase of unnecessary curse words in normal teenagers ridiculous!
I am not a complete prude so I don't think that it's too far off to think that cussing every five seconds is disgusting, trashy, a sign of complete lack of knowledge, and...must I go on?
Anyhow, the point of that whole spiel was to signify that I am bother by the fact that I have one hour long class tomorrow and that it is the one that I can not, in any scenario, skip.
Moving on.
I just want to say thank you if there are any people who look at my blog regularly, because I already feel a little nerdy having a blog and the fact that I have already had 16 viewers today makes me a little I realize that that isn't a lot, but I just started this thing and it doesn't take a lot to please me! So if you read my posts often, please, please, PLEASE leave a comment!
Okay I am going to get off now...mostly because I am guessing that if you have gotten this far, your eyes are stinging...
Song of the Day: I was listening to it on my way to school this morning so, therefore, it was the only one that popped into my head...
Normal Teen: 'I'm so not going to my stupid flipping class because I don't give a crap!'
Me: 'Oh my gosh! I am super mad that I have that class, but I can't not go! If I don't go I will miss stuff and get in trouble and my whole entire education will be ruined!'
Why? you might ask does my thought process sound more akin to a cowardly five year old? Well, because I am a freak and I find the lack of a normal vocabulary and increase of unnecessary curse words in normal teenagers ridiculous!
I am not a complete prude so I don't think that it's too far off to think that cussing every five seconds is disgusting, trashy, a sign of complete lack of knowledge, and...must I go on?
Anyhow, the point of that whole spiel was to signify that I am bother by the fact that I have one hour long class tomorrow and that it is the one that I can not, in any scenario, skip.
Moving on.
I just want to say thank you if there are any people who look at my blog regularly, because I already feel a little nerdy having a blog and the fact that I have already had 16 viewers today makes me a little I realize that that isn't a lot, but I just started this thing and it doesn't take a lot to please me! So if you read my posts often, please, please, PLEASE leave a comment!
Okay I am going to get off now...mostly because I am guessing that if you have gotten this far, your eyes are stinging...
Song of the Day: I was listening to it on my way to school this morning so, therefore, it was the only one that popped into my head...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I am worn out! I have, in the last five hours, made fresh cranberry sauce, dried out some bread, dropped the dried out bread, mixed some spices, cut some onions, cut some celery, cut some cheese...okay that one was a thought it was funny though!, and I have made rolls to put into the freezer! I am pooped and I officially plan to go to my room, pop Winnie the Pooh in, and glitter some stuff! Thanksgiving is going to be fun and stressful...oh well!
I have also made it my life goal to do a "Julie and Julia" thing, but with both of Martha Stewart's recipes...
Okay, I am now leaving so au revoir and until tomorrow...
P.S. In honor of my Winnie the Pooh obsession, the song of the day...
I have also made it my life goal to do a "Julie and Julia" thing, but with both of Martha Stewart's recipes...
Okay, I am now leaving so au revoir and until tomorrow...
P.S. In honor of my Winnie the Pooh obsession, the song of the day...
Friday, November 18, 2011
It's Time...
It is time for me to introduce my best friend, my sister, my person: Victoria.
She is thus far going to be known as the one person who will take ten seconds of her busy life to comment on my awesome, yet somewhat dark blog posts. Yes, I am calling everyone else losers for making me feel like a complete nerd because no one seems to give a crap about what I have to say. Die.
Okay, I'm sorry everyone...PMS moment...minus the PMS...
Anyways, welcome best friend o' mine! yeeeeeehaw! "Saw your face my hands you took...!" -for you Victoria
She is thus far going to be known as the one person who will take ten seconds of her busy life to comment on my awesome, yet somewhat dark blog posts. Yes, I am calling everyone else losers for making me feel like a complete nerd because no one seems to give a crap about what I have to say. Die.
Okay, I'm sorry everyone...PMS moment...minus the PMS...
Anyways, welcome best friend o' mine! yeeeeeehaw! "Saw your face my hands you took...!" -for you Victoria
"He's the boy who dissected a frog, did not wash his hands, and then ate a sandwhich!" -Rory Gilmore
This is a rant on the current involvement of disgusting, slimy creatures that have randomly entered into my life.
Frogs. Ew. I hate frogs. Now, before you go and say that I'm a terrible reptile hater and should rot in the ground for despising such a small and cute creature, I must tell you that before a couple of months ago I didn't mind frogs...really, I actually somewhat know, from a distance. However, this minute relationship between frogs and I quickly went south when I came upon one on my way to class...I might add that it was you're probably thinking 'Oh my gosh! She saw a dead creature and was grossed out! This chick has no sympathy!'...wrong! I have more sympathy and compassion than one may think, but this frog was all in one piece and its eyes were open...OPEN!!!! EEEEEWWW! It was disgusting. Well, I got over that frog in a few weeks, but then I was walking to class another time and I saw another one in the same physical state! I am a scaredy cat and I can't handle creepy creatures around me, so I jumped like a cat caught in rain both times I saw a dead frog. A few weeks later, half paying attention to the ground around me, I was telling a friend about these frog incidents and when I said dead frogs she points and goes: "Oh like that one?!", obviously feeling pain for the thing on the stairs. I made a weird noise that somewhat resembles a dead squirrel, even though this frog was much smaller. At this point I am thoroughly paranoid that frogs are trying to scare the crap out of me. So the other day I'm walking with the same friend and she's all like "Oh my gosh, look!! It's a cute little frog climbing a tree!" and she proceeds to stare at it inches away from her face for at least two whole minutes! I am frantically trying to pull her away because this frog is alive and if I cannot handle a dead frog, I certainly cannot handle a live one. Now I am here, freaked out by even the sound of a frog, which once occurred right behind a bench I was sitting on, but I couldn't move because people were around and I didn't want to look weird. I have seen more frogs in the past four months than I have in my whole seventeen years of life, so that's saying a lot.
I am sorry if you have a strange affection for frogs and find me as a bit of a jerk, but I just don't mesh well with creepy, crawly, slimy, animals. I love frogs and spiders and bugs from a distance and that's how it will always be...
Until later...
Frogs. Ew. I hate frogs. Now, before you go and say that I'm a terrible reptile hater and should rot in the ground for despising such a small and cute creature, I must tell you that before a couple of months ago I didn't mind frogs...really, I actually somewhat know, from a distance. However, this minute relationship between frogs and I quickly went south when I came upon one on my way to class...I might add that it was you're probably thinking 'Oh my gosh! She saw a dead creature and was grossed out! This chick has no sympathy!'...wrong! I have more sympathy and compassion than one may think, but this frog was all in one piece and its eyes were open...OPEN!!!! EEEEEWWW! It was disgusting. Well, I got over that frog in a few weeks, but then I was walking to class another time and I saw another one in the same physical state! I am a scaredy cat and I can't handle creepy creatures around me, so I jumped like a cat caught in rain both times I saw a dead frog. A few weeks later, half paying attention to the ground around me, I was telling a friend about these frog incidents and when I said dead frogs she points and goes: "Oh like that one?!", obviously feeling pain for the thing on the stairs. I made a weird noise that somewhat resembles a dead squirrel, even though this frog was much smaller. At this point I am thoroughly paranoid that frogs are trying to scare the crap out of me. So the other day I'm walking with the same friend and she's all like "Oh my gosh, look!! It's a cute little frog climbing a tree!" and she proceeds to stare at it inches away from her face for at least two whole minutes! I am frantically trying to pull her away because this frog is alive and if I cannot handle a dead frog, I certainly cannot handle a live one. Now I am here, freaked out by even the sound of a frog, which once occurred right behind a bench I was sitting on, but I couldn't move because people were around and I didn't want to look weird. I have seen more frogs in the past four months than I have in my whole seventeen years of life, so that's saying a lot.
I am sorry if you have a strange affection for frogs and find me as a bit of a jerk, but I just don't mesh well with creepy, crawly, slimy, animals. I love frogs and spiders and bugs from a distance and that's how it will always be...
Until later...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
One Week...
Hello fellow holiday freaks!
It is officially time to start freaking out, as Thanksgiving is only one week away! I am uber excited and if you are a complete dork like me then you are uber excited too! My grandparents are coming to eat my amazing attempt to cook the entire feast. My mom and I are going shopping this weekend and starting to prep!! I cannot wait...PLUS...once Thanksgiving is over we only have a month left until Christmas!!! I absolutely adore Christmas, but I don't think that we should take part in celebrating it until after Thanksgiving...each holiday should have its own shining moment! Nordstrom has got this down, they don't decorate or put out Christmas merchandise until the day after Thanksgiving! They say that this is their little tradition! Amazing.
On a less jazzy note, I am completely failing the Song of the Day...however, in my defense, when I get something new or find something I like, I become obsessed and cannot stop thinking about it. So I have been obsessed with the first song I put on for like two weeks now, and , therefore, cannot find a song that I like as much! I will post two now, however, one will be by the same person as before and one will be a song that I have kept as a favorite from the past:
Okay, so this one is Crazy Love by Mindy Gledhill. I love her and it is my personal mission at this point in time to buy this whole CD and her recent Christmas CD, but for now I listen on YouTube. Enjoy.
My favorite. If you have been reading my posts you know that I am kind of in love with this wonderful specimen...he's some kind of wonderful! Anyways, this one is my personal favorite of his and I love to sing and dance as though he and I are doing a duet...I'm a nerd...oh well!
Okie Dokie, I will try to get on later, but once more I must slowly die in my terrible anthropology class...
It is officially time to start freaking out, as Thanksgiving is only one week away! I am uber excited and if you are a complete dork like me then you are uber excited too! My grandparents are coming to eat my amazing attempt to cook the entire feast. My mom and I are going shopping this weekend and starting to prep!! I cannot wait...PLUS...once Thanksgiving is over we only have a month left until Christmas!!! I absolutely adore Christmas, but I don't think that we should take part in celebrating it until after Thanksgiving...each holiday should have its own shining moment! Nordstrom has got this down, they don't decorate or put out Christmas merchandise until the day after Thanksgiving! They say that this is their little tradition! Amazing.
On a less jazzy note, I am completely failing the Song of the Day...however, in my defense, when I get something new or find something I like, I become obsessed and cannot stop thinking about it. So I have been obsessed with the first song I put on for like two weeks now, and , therefore, cannot find a song that I like as much! I will post two now, however, one will be by the same person as before and one will be a song that I have kept as a favorite from the past:
Okay, so this one is Crazy Love by Mindy Gledhill. I love her and it is my personal mission at this point in time to buy this whole CD and her recent Christmas CD, but for now I listen on YouTube. Enjoy.
My favorite. If you have been reading my posts you know that I am kind of in love with this wonderful specimen...he's some kind of wonderful! Anyways, this one is my personal favorite of his and I love to sing and dance as though he and I are doing a duet...I'm a nerd...oh well!
Okie Dokie, I will try to get on later, but once more I must slowly die in my terrible anthropology class...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I Hate Government Homework...
I hate government homework. That's all I have to say about that.
I am also a liar. I said that I would post another song yesterday, but I didn't...sue me!
Okay, I have absolutely nothing else to say, so until next time I get on...
I am also a liar. I said that I would post another song yesterday, but I didn't...sue me!
Okay, I have absolutely nothing else to say, so until next time I get on...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Blah Blah...
Today is boring and busy!! Fun. I am at school until 12:30, then sewing club at my mothers work, then pick up my brother, pick up my other brother, take the second brother to basketball, go home for an hour, do homework, then take the first brother to guitar, wait for him, and then take him home to make dinner! Whew. Isn't life simply pleasant? No? Oh well...
I am currently waiting for the worst class of my life to start in twenty minutes. I promise you I have a very large appreciation for anthropology (mostly because of Bones), but this anthropology class is horrible. Every Tuesday and Thursday I die a little teacher is kind of a jerk and doesn't seem to like...we anyone!
Oh well Kayla, time to move on!
My hair is not cooperating today and I am having a fat day (come on girls, you understand).
I apologize immensely for being such an annoying whiner, but you all must get used to it because if I am anything, I am a fantastic, and I me FANTASTIC, complainer! You could give me almost anything in the world and I could find something about it to whine about...some find this annoying...
Not much else to say and I must further descend into the anthropological vicinity of Hell, so, furthermore,
P.S. I will post my song of the day when I am "doing my homework" in my free hour! He he (Blek I hate saying that! Oh the things of my generation's fried brains and non-emotionally connected thoughts!)
I am currently waiting for the worst class of my life to start in twenty minutes. I promise you I have a very large appreciation for anthropology (mostly because of Bones), but this anthropology class is horrible. Every Tuesday and Thursday I die a little teacher is kind of a jerk and doesn't seem to like...we anyone!
Oh well Kayla, time to move on!
My hair is not cooperating today and I am having a fat day (come on girls, you understand).
I apologize immensely for being such an annoying whiner, but you all must get used to it because if I am anything, I am a fantastic, and I me FANTASTIC, complainer! You could give me almost anything in the world and I could find something about it to whine about...some find this annoying...
Not much else to say and I must further descend into the anthropological vicinity of Hell, so, furthermore,
P.S. I will post my song of the day when I am "doing my homework" in my free hour! He he (Blek I hate saying that! Oh the things of my generation's fried brains and non-emotionally connected thoughts!)
Monday, November 14, 2011
I've Had an Epiphany
Oh my goodness! Indeed I realize that this blog is basically centered around all things sparkly, glittery, or shimmery, but I just have to say that I absolutely adore glitter!!! It's like a deep passionate love! I cannot believe how many uses glitter has: cards, makeup, nails, or anything and everything for that matter! Glitter is magical and reminds me of Disneyland and hugs and stars and snow and everything that is happy and joyous! I think that everyone needs a little glitter in their's very important.
I am also madly in love with Bones, and for those of you who have no idea what that is besides the actual physical object we are made of (ew) , you may sit in a hole. It is the most amazing TV show that has ever been made and if one were to compare it to CSI or something like that I may become very upset. I am a tad disappointed in the fact that Booth and Bones, main characters finally together after six full seasons, didn't kiss in the most recent episode, so hopefully that event will occur this week.
I sort of want to start a song of the day on here, but I am kind of a lazy butt and don't get on here everyday and...well that's my only reason really...
Oh well I don't care because this is MY blog and I shall do what I please! (p.s. if you are currently wondering "Who in the heck uses words like 'shall' and 'adore' anymore?"...I do, so bite me. I am filled with old, vintage words like adore, swell, etc, so you all must deal with it! The 21st century is indeed killing my mojo...and yes I just said mojo.)
Here is the first Song of the Day:
It's amazing and if you watch Bones you will get that giddy feeling because it is a super cute scene in which this song is inserted!
Ta Ta for now!!!
I am also madly in love with Bones, and for those of you who have no idea what that is besides the actual physical object we are made of (ew) , you may sit in a hole. It is the most amazing TV show that has ever been made and if one were to compare it to CSI or something like that I may become very upset. I am a tad disappointed in the fact that Booth and Bones, main characters finally together after six full seasons, didn't kiss in the most recent episode, so hopefully that event will occur this week.
I sort of want to start a song of the day on here, but I am kind of a lazy butt and don't get on here everyday and...well that's my only reason really...
Oh well I don't care because this is MY blog and I shall do what I please! (p.s. if you are currently wondering "Who in the heck uses words like 'shall' and 'adore' anymore?"...I do, so bite me. I am filled with old, vintage words like adore, swell, etc, so you all must deal with it! The 21st century is indeed killing my mojo...and yes I just said mojo.)
Here is the first Song of the Day:
It's amazing and if you watch Bones you will get that giddy feeling because it is a super cute scene in which this song is inserted!
Ta Ta for now!!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away!! Super exciting! I'm kind of a holiday fanatic so this is a big deal. This year I am making Thanksgiving dinner all by myself, rather than my mother. My Grandparents are coming and I think that they are nervous about my cooking dinner...oh well! I am making a ton of goodies! I am making three pies and a ton of other things! Let me not forget that this dinner is all Martha Stewart! I love Martha so every recipe is from her! The only thing not Martha is my Dad's disgusting creamed onions(ew) which I had to get off of Food Network because Martha doesn't have a recipe for those...which shows how disgusting they are! I am pretty jazzed about this and cannot wait!

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 3, 2011
IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phew! That was intense...I may have had a moment...Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my life is not that exciting and I therefore have almost nothing to say. Comments would be much appreciated and I will respond, so please...SAY SOMETHING!!!
Phew! That was intense...I may have had a moment...Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my life is not that exciting and I therefore have almost nothing to say. Comments would be much appreciated and I will respond, so please...SAY SOMETHING!!!
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