Sorry for not posting much in the past week! I haven't been on the computer much at all so... Okay so here's another installment of 'Acknowledging the Bothersome' Letters:
Dear Creepy-Spider-Walking-Up-The-Exact-Doorway-That-I-Need-To-Go-Through,
I just wanted to say that I think that the fact that you are the size of a small Christmas ornament is just amazing to me! I greatly appreciate your ability to be just big enough that I cannot fathom walking through that doorway and I definitely cannot kill you, because if I try you might not completely die and then you will just fall off the doorway and fall on me. I want to especially thank you for only being on the one doorway that leads to my destination and only being there at those exact times when I HAVE to be in the other room. You are my rock. Without you I might walk a little taller and be a little less afraid, but you know, who needs confidence?! I also very much appreciate that you are either fuzzy and black, brown, or shine like the light of the sun! A few suggestions: Maybe next time you could be even closer to me when you are purposely wanting to occupy my space and maybe crawl a little more because it makes you seem a little creepier. I love creepy spider! You make my life just so much haarder with the simple being on my doorway. Please make yourseelf even more at home when it is most convienent to you and least to me!
Love, Kayla
Hope you enjoy, please comment by the way, just so I can know that I am doing this for some sort of reason...hmm....
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