I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Monday, December 19, 2011


It is currently around midnight...I should be sleeping, but I would much rather be sitting in bed with Gilmore Girls in the background and messing around on my computer...this. is. my. life.

I haven't been on lately, but I must say, I have absolutely nothing to talk about!  The amount of people looking at my blog is quite limited and I am pretty sure the anount of people actually reading is close to one person...Victoria...and no one else!  However, I will continue to pretend that people enjoy my witty rants and my endless complaints about life.

video...my favorite one...
and song of the day:

There ya go!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Worst Day Ever...

It isn't even nine yet...

I think that that is information enough...

Not even this is cheering me up...and it's Michael...dancing...in fake snow...in an ugly suit...if anyone knows me they would understand that this is what makes my day...it didn't...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things I Have Done In Desperate Need to Avoid Homework...

Thus far I have done the following in attempts to avoid my forever lasting list of homework:

1. went online...obviously
2. painted my nails...pink sparkles
3. absolutely nothing...
4. went online again...
5. watched five minutes of three different movies...
6. laughed hysterically over movie descriptions with Victoria...
7. showered...
8. got in my jam jams...
9. pet my cat...
10. online shopped...
11. I cannot think of any others, but there are more...

I also am sad to announce that the fate of me ever getting married and having my dream wedding is in quite the negative state...ever since I discovered Priscilla of Boston I knew that that was where my wedding dress(es) would be found.  They have the most amazing and beautiful and perfect wedding dresses, those of which are nearly identical to my dream;  however I horrifically found out a day or two ago, that Priscilla of Boston is closing!!  After 65 successful years they are closing?!!  Seriously?! If all goes as planned I will get married between 3-8 years...so is it that much of a burden to stay open another 5 years?!!  Ugh!  Next thing I know my cake decorator will die or no longer be able to create the cake that I have already chosen!  Oh...woe is me...and yes I just said that...

Okay I am going to do homework now...

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Sorry for not posting much in the past week!  I haven't been on the computer much at all so...  Okay so here's another installment of 'Acknowledging the Bothersome' Letters:

Dear Creepy-Spider-Walking-Up-The-Exact-Doorway-That-I-Need-To-Go-Through,

I just wanted to say that I think that the fact that you are the size of a small Christmas ornament is just amazing to me!  I greatly appreciate your ability to be just big enough that I cannot fathom walking through that doorway and I definitely cannot kill you, because if I try you might not completely die and then you will just fall off the doorway and fall on me.  I want to especially thank you for only being on the one doorway that leads to my destination and only being there at those exact times when I HAVE to be in the other room.  You are my rock.  Without you I might walk a little taller and be a little less afraid, but you know, who needs confidence?!  I also very much appreciate that you are either fuzzy and black, brown, or white...you shine like the light of the sun!  A few suggestions:  Maybe next time you could be even closer to me when you are purposely wanting to occupy my space and maybe crawl a little more because it makes you seem a little creepier.  I love creepy spider!  You make my life just so much haarder with the simple being on my doorway.  Please make yourseelf even more at home when it is most convienent to you and least to me!

Love, Kayla

Hope you enjoy,  please comment by the way, just so I can know that I am doing this for some sort of reason...hmm....

Friday, December 2, 2011


I'm starting a new thing on Sparkle! & Glitter! & Shimmer! Oh My!, because I am always bored and this happens to be a fantastic idea!

So here is the first installment of 'Acknowledging the Bothersome' Letters:

Dear Truck-Driver-In-Front-of-Me-Who's-Going-Thirty-Five-On-the-Highway,

I Just wanted to say thank you for making me incredibly impatient and wishing that I had left the house ten minutes earlier, even though I do the same thing EVERY day, even leaving the house at exactly 7:00.  You are so kind for making me late to school.  Thank you for only being in front of me on the days in which there is to much traffic for me to switch lanes and go around you.  I am so incredibly grateful for having you to continuously fling pebbles and dirt water into my freshly clean window, that I took an hour on to get the previous water stains off.  You are truly magically and my favorite part of our time together is when I am super close to reaching my exit and leaving you, but you just happen to be taking the same exit as me and the same left turn all the way to school.  When you look at me in your rear view mirror and it looks like I am screaming, waving at least one hand in the air, and sometimes crying, I am only expressing my love for you and definitely not yelling insults to your bumper.  I love you, you know that, so I just want you to know that the fifty minutes we have together on my usually thirty minute drive, are so great and I am so glad that time doesn't go by super fast like the really good things usually do.  Every time I get somewhere on time or even early I think of you and your ability to stretch out the day.  Thank you so much, I don't know what I would do without you, besides being on time of course!

Love, Kayla

If you like this new thing I am doing please comment positively! If I get negative comments they may just show up in an 'Acknowledging the Bothersome' Letter!

"I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say...hi, how ya doin'?" Flynn Rider

Okay so before this post truly begins I would like to say that I am doing two posts today because I am smart enough to know that if words stretch all the way down to the end of a page, normal people find something else to read...I'm not stupid...we're in the 21st century...

(Note:  This only applies to people who experience this alone or with someone who does not think you are a complete freak in doing so, and in some cases will join you...)

So I am really weird and when I find something completely awesome, I don't think about anything else...ever.

Anyhow, so you know that feeling when you get super happy and nothing else seems as amazing as that thing?  Yes, this happens to me a lot, but those things have to be really, really awesome.

Here is an example, that of which I find worth sharing.

I was in my car and my mother had just given me my Michael Buble Christmas CD.  I put the CD in the player and took a gulp of my Christmas coffee.  Oh. My. Gosh.  I think I wanted to cry.  It is the most amazing CD in the world.  So that happy feeling that I was talking about...here it is: I'm driving to school and listening to this heavenly man and almost every five seconds I would become so overjoyed that I would giggle.  Alone.  In my car.  So then, being the freak that I am, I would recognize that my giggling was really dorky and so I would giggle at myself for giggling!  I have serious issues!  The thing is, however, the CD is truly the best Christmas CD I've ever heard!  If you don't believe me then go...die.  Usually on any CD there is at least one song that you don't really like and so naturally(7), only Victoria and the true Michael Buble fans will understand that one,  you skip the song, right?  Yes, but on this CD I love every song, and I'm not just biased, because my mother likes them too, and she hates everything!  If you have any sense and a brain you will immediately buy this CD!  I am not a fan of Jingle Bells or Blue Christmas, Mr. Buble made them remarkably wonderful!  So without further ado: