I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Okay, let the rant begin. Why is it that every time an overweight person, a homeless person, or someone who isn't particularly pretty auditions for competition shows (i.e. The X Factor or America's Got Talent, both stupid shows might I add) the judges and audience acts so shocked, I mean incredibly wowed by their talent? I don't watch these shows, but every so often a video will show up on Yahoo or Comcast that captions "Inspirational Video!!"  Let me tell you, it is not any more amazing to me to see a 400 pound person    sing any more than it does to see a 100 pound person sing! Last time I checked, one's level of beauty does not measure one's ability to sing, or dance, or oh I don't know, succeed!!! Geez. People are idiots.

Alright, on a lighter note, Song of the Day:

It was on How I Met Your Mother so obviously I'm putting it up here! Granted it was on when Ted and Robin break up, which is like the worst because, let's face it, we all secretly wanted her to be the "mother" Don't pretend you weren't wishing it too!

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