Let's see...where did I leave off...Victoria-Utah, me-Western Oregon University, me-poor, blah, blah, blah...
Well...since my last post Victoria went to Utah, came back from Utah, I laughed, I cried, I became even more poor, I decided not to go to WOU, I moved back home, I got a job, I started painting the bathroom, I spent a large amount of money on candles that smell like bread, and have planned a fantastic trip to Ashland, where I will be meeting up with Victoria. Phew. If there were ever a time to quote Forrest Gump it would be now.
I am totally redoing our bathroom, which was brown...ugly tannish, brown...I am painting it gray and white stripes, with gold and pink accents...suck it HGTV. I will post pictures! Maybe. Give me a year. That's how long it should take me to take the pictures, load them into the computer, and put them up here. Hey. Don't judge.
Oh. I also got super obsessed with How I Met Your Mother. Which is awesome and sucky. Awesome because, well, it's an amazing show. The perfect Kayla-Victoria TV series. Why is it sucky, you ask...Well because...Victoria had this friend, let's call her...Todd Packer...no that's not it...I know: a cross breed between Todd Packer and Stanley Hudson...Stanley Packer. Yes. Anyways, so she had this friend, Stanley Packer, who also loves How I Met Your Mother...not a big deal, right? Wrong. Now if Victoria were ever to watch this amazing creation all she would think about would be "No Stanley! Barack is President! You are black!"...Oops. I meant, all she would think about is all the things Stanley Packer had previously said about How I Met Your Mother and it would put a complete downer on the amazingly funny awesomeness of it. So now I watch it and think about how much she would love it and telepathically scream at Stanley Packer for being such a...a...TOBY FLENDERSON!!! There I said it. Can't take it back. Stanley Packer is a big, stupid, idiotic, TV show ruiner, Toby Flenderson. I think that Michael Scott would understand. Okay. I'm done complaining. Maybe. Get back to me in about ten minutes.
Song of the day:
Okay, so although this says it is by anonymous, you know who it really is. I loved this post! I laughed! I cried! Because I was laughing so hard! Stanley Packer, eh? Very, very creative. I hope he never reads this. Maybe in the summer, we can have a How I Met Your Mother marathon, and I can get over my issues. I do not know if such a task is possible, however. Loved your writing though! Oh, and I adore this song! It is beautiful.
Love the new layout! Very classy. Very glamour. Very you.