I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ooh Scandal...

So, my bad habit of not posting has gotten the best of me once again! Forgive and forget right? Sure, why not!

Thanks to Miss Victoria I have a huge problem. What's the problem, you may ask. Well she has gotten me extremely obsessed with Scandal. Like way too obsessed. Like stalk Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn obsessed. Why, Victoria, why???!!!! Because you love me and we are at our most awesome when we have some awesome tv show to obsess over, so thank you best friend!!!!

Speaking of Victoria...drumroll please! SHE'S GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right! To Mr. Shane! Yay!!!!!

Okay friends I'm off! 

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