I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm Back...Again...

Okay so I realize that I had previously said that I was committed to writing on my blog regularly, but you must realize something: I lead and incredibly boring life. I work and sleep and that is literaly it! I talk on the phone with Victoria for like three hours!  That is a ridicuously unhealthy amount of time to talk to one person...my response to anyone who may think that: Suck it.  Anyways, the point is that if I did write on my blog regularly than it would be so dull that even I would fall asleep and that takes a lot!

So...since my last post I have gotten my hair cut

Gotten a Kate Spade purse and wallet

And joined the iPhone group...I resisted, but I mostly wanted to use my Kate Spade iPhone case!

Anywho, I promise to give a good update on the everchanging, odd life of Kayla in the near future!

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