I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Take a Chill Pill Booth...

Okay so I am watching Bones and there is a scene between Booth and Dr. Sweets.  Sweets is totally doing his job and does what he always does to Booth: analyze.  Well Booth has a total girl moment and at first it seemed quite normal,  in his joking manner, but then he had a total PMS flip out and looked like he was going to kill Sweets.  Watch your step Booth.

Any who, graduation is coming up and I am uber excited!!! Disneyland, here we come!!!!  That's right, Victoria and I are driving to Disneyland by ourselves!! Woohoo! I will finally be able to ride Dumbo!! That of which, by the way, I did not get to ride on when we went the first time because my family said that the line was too long...lame.

Okay song of the day...hmmmmm...

Suck it those who can't wait in line for Dumbo!

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