So without further ado:
Things That Better Be In Heaven When I Get There
- Michael Buble, David Boreanaz, John Krasinski, etc....all minus wives
- An endless amount of Downton Abbey where William suddenly comes back to life and Daisy loves him.
-, designer, beautiful shoes.
- No leg or armpit hair.
- No Aunt Flo...Ladies, you know what I'm talking about.
- Martha Stewart
- Glitter
- Rain Wilson in the role of Dwight Shrute, along with John Krasinski as Jim, following me around everywhere.
- Add Steve Carrell to #8
- Gilmore Girls picked up from season 3, maybe 4, done way better and Lorelai ends up preggers with Luke and Rory marries Jess, who isn't a jerk.
- Did I say a never ending Downton Abbey already?
- An Office that still has Steve Carrell in it.
- Lush.
- Dr. Phil...I won't try to explain...
- More Downton Abbey
Song of the Day:
What can I say? I am obsessed!
You are pretty much the most awesome person ever, and I think I want you to be my best friend! Oh wait...Also, I like the new look. So, call me.