I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things In Heaven...

I had a thought the other day and while most of my thoughts are consumed with Downton Abbey currently, this thought was a tad different...

So without further ado:

Things That Better Be In Heaven When I Get There
  1. Michael Buble, David Boreanaz, John Krasinski, etc....all minus wives
  2. An endless amount of Downton Abbey where William suddenly comes back to life and Daisy loves him.
  3. Shoes...free, designer, beautiful shoes.
  4. No leg or armpit hair.
  5. No Aunt Flo...Ladies, you know what I'm talking about.
  6. Martha Stewart
  7. Glitter
  8. Rain Wilson in the role of Dwight Shrute, along with John Krasinski as Jim, following me around everywhere.
  9. Add Steve Carrell to #8
  10. Gilmore Girls picked up from season 3, maybe 4, done way better and Lorelai ends up preggers with Luke and Rory marries Jess, who isn't a jerk.
  11. Did I say a never ending Downton Abbey already?
  12. An Office that still has Steve Carrell in it.
  13. Lush.
  14. Dr. Phil...I won't try to explain...
  15. More Downton Abbey
So there you have it...and if none of these things appear when I die, I will be thoroughly disappointed.

Song of the Day:

What can I say? I am obsessed!

1 comment:

  1. You are pretty much the most awesome person ever, and I think I want you to be my best friend! Oh wait...Also, I like the new look. So, call me.
