I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Saturday, January 28, 2012

British Accents, Boys, & Downton Abbey...

Let me begin by telling you all that my good friend Victoria has turned me onto watching Downton Abbey.  It is amazing.  Now considering I take TV very seriously says a lot. 

Next I must say that boys are...well...let's face it, great! 

Finally when one combines the Downton Abbey with boys the result is boys with British accents.  Must I explain?

Any guy with a British accent has at least a smidgen of hotness, simply because of the accent.  Now Victoria had quite a good example of this:  if a really nerdy guy was from America he probably wouldn't be very attractive, but stick a British accent on him and he's suddenly kind of hot...

Anyways that is all I have to say today...

Song of the Day

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