I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Skype With One Victoria Gariepy...

I am currently writing a post about Victoria Gariepy while Skyping with Victoria Gariepy...what the heck, I am awesome.

Now while I should probably be writing my English paper about repression(fun, right? No.)  I would much rather talk to my best friend in the whole entire world. Slacker, procrastinator, time-waster?  No.  I am just completely devoted to the coolest person in the world!

I am also speaking to Max...Victoria's brother, which makes him automatically awesome...besides the fact that he is an extremely cute baby...

Okay, I have nothing left to say and have lost interest in typing so therefore,

Saturday, January 28, 2012

British Accents, Boys, & Downton Abbey...

Let me begin by telling you all that my good friend Victoria has turned me onto watching Downton Abbey.  It is amazing.  Now considering I take TV very seriously says a lot. 

Next I must say that boys are...well...let's face it, great! 

Finally when one combines the Downton Abbey with boys the result is boys with British accents.  Must I explain?

Any guy with a British accent has at least a smidgen of hotness, simply because of the accent.  Now Victoria had quite a good example of this:  if a really nerdy guy was from America he probably wouldn't be very attractive, but stick a British accent on him and he's suddenly kind of hot...

Anyways that is all I have to say today...

Song of the Day

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I absolutely love Redbox.  The ability to rent movies for a dollar is kind of awesome.  The problem?  I always end up renting the maximum amount of movies allowed- 3 or 5 depending upon your member status- which leads me to the epitome of my rant:  No one has time to watch three movies in one night!  Now most of you would say, "Why not watch some during the day?", well, because, watching movies during the day is simply not the same as watching them at night.  So anyways, I choose three movies, those of which I have been wanting to watch equally, leaving me at least six hours of movie watching to do.  Now unless I stay up until three in the morning I couldn't possibly watch all three!  So in my current rut I have come up with two solutions: 1. I could choose only one or two movies that seem appealing and leave the rest for my brothers or, 2. Redbox should give dollar rentals for two nights!  Is this so difficult I ask!  I think that in doing so Redbox would get even more renters...

Aaahhh the difficulties of wasting time...


Hey, give it a chance...