I adore pretty things and witty words. -Kate Spade

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nails Please!...

So I had yet another nail art night!!!! This time I went all out. 4 polishes. 

-O. P. I. "Got the Blues for Red"
-Cult Nails "Ay Poppy"
-Essie "Mint Candy Apple"
-Butter of London "Slapper"

Now when I said I went all out, I mean ALL out.  Too much time on Pinterest, shaky left hand, and way past my bedtime...what do you get?! Lovely nails, that's what! 

So on my pinky I have two kitties 

On my ring finger some scalloped layers

On my "road rage" finger ;) roses

On my pointer, my personal favorite, a Peter Pan collar blouse

And lastly, my thumb, with some adorable daisies!

Okay lovelies! I spent all my energy on my nails so off to bed for me! Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What's Blue and White and Red All Over?...

My nails of course! Essie "Snap Happy" red and Essie "Bikini So Teeny" blue with a white bow and a rhinestone! Nail art is awesome. I have to buy some tools and then I will start posting my nail art with pictures throughout the process! I'm very into nail art right now and I'm obsessed with biking! I desperately want a mint green cruiser!!!!! 

Okay friends! It was a short one today so hopefully I get hit with some inspiration here soon! 

Ta ta for now!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Good Mornin'...

Good morning all! It is extremely early and I happen to have a few minutes of spare time (I'm at work!) I am glad to announce that my hair is officially long enough to wear in a high ponytail/bun! The vintagey kind of course! I seem to have a love-hate relationship with ponytails because they can be cute, but it's very easy to slip from cute to trashy. If my hair goes up, the ends are curled! I also think very highly of ribbons and clips to jazz up an otherwise quite dull hairstyle! 

I'm not big into product because I don't like feeling as though my hair isn't clean and my hair gets oily after one day. So, therefore, products are only used on freshly washed hair and only certain products, yes I'm particular! I love, love, love John Frieda Frizz Ease Finishing Creme! It is my go to hair product! It smooths frizz and separates soft curls for that oh so romantic look you were totally aiming for! Hair spray is a different story. I only use hairspray if my hair is up and my bangs won't stay down. I spray from a good distance and only enough to get the job done. Here's a tip ladies, if your hair is shiny with hair spray you have used too much! It shouldn't look like the top of your head has water in it all day and the rest does not! Another good product is Lush R & B Hair Moisturizer. I only use it on curled hair and only on the ends. It gives my curls an extra little bounce and smells divine!

Alrighty, that covers my favorites when it comes to hair products, so until next time, au revoir!

Friday, April 25, 2014

She's Back Again...

Hello dears! I once again have slacked in the blog department, but oh well! I'm back! I made a mint chocolate torte today! Can you say delish?! Yesterday I went to the farmers market and got some lovely flowers! Sweet dreams lovelies!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trials and Tribulations...

Oh how difficult it is to be a lady!!! This morning I woke up and got ready just the same as I always do and I look horrible! My makeup looks disgusting, my shirt won't hold an iron, my outfit is cute, but looks terrible on today, wtflip?! I hate when I look terrible! I do not understand. Okay. There's my little rant! 
So long Darlings!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ooh Scandal...

So, my bad habit of not posting has gotten the best of me once again! Forgive and forget right? Sure, why not!

Thanks to Miss Victoria I have a huge problem. What's the problem, you may ask. Well she has gotten me extremely obsessed with Scandal. Like way too obsessed. Like stalk Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn obsessed. Why, Victoria, why???!!!! Because you love me and we are at our most awesome when we have some awesome tv show to obsess over, so thank you best friend!!!!

Speaking of Victoria...drumroll please! SHE'S GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right! To Mr. Shane! Yay!!!!!

Okay friends I'm off! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How Wonderful Is The Word "Perplexity?"...

How comforting is it to know that after the worlds longest day of work you can curl up in a comfy chair, in an adorable pair of flannels, with a glass of milk and a piece of chocolate on hand, whilst watching "You've Got Mail?" Well I will tell you now...Very comforting. Life is exhausting! Why does it seem so incredibly difficult to enjoy such simple pleasures, like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks falling in love on more than one occasion? I, for example, wake up before the crack of dawn, I work until past dinner time, and get up and do it all over again! And yet, when the work day is over and I can do what I please, my mind will not shut the heck up! So, here I sit, enjoying my pajamas, my milk, my chocolate, and my movie. I refuse to let all the concerns of the day spill into my night! I refuse to let 2014 suck! I refuse to listen to any ones crap and let it encroach into my already complicated life! Suck on that life. Happy New Year everyone!

I received a brand new television (yes I could say TV, but television sounds far more vintage and dapper) for Christmas and have not yet hooked up the cable box, so all I have currently is a cheap DVD player with a stop, pause, and play button. I recently finished watching Julie & Julia, which I've seen before, but now all I want to do is cook and look like Amy Adams. Now I can cook, but the odds of me ever resembling Amy Adams is less than none. Oh well, screw it!

Okay, until I get another wind of inspiration, so long blogesphere.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Miss Kayla's List of Trashy Things...

So if I were to write all of the things I find less than proper and classy then this post would go on for days, but I'll pick a few and maybe add some more later! This was inspired by something I saw at Safeway yesterday. First on the list is what occurred in the supermarket to my dismay!

1. Drinking a beer and yelling "which ice cream should we get him?!" Whilst doing your grocery shopping. Let me tell you right now, if you are drinking beer at the grocery store than you have a serious etiquette problem and most likely a drinking problem...yes I'm judging you.
2. Playing with toys at the store if you are over the age of 10...I am specifically referring to those giant bouncy balls in the huge metal bins. If you are 15 and playing with them you are a loser...if you are 40 then you are a loser and trash.
3. All fashion trends of young girls. No, believe it or not I don't want to see your derrière hanging out of your shorts/skirt/dress and no I don't want to see ninety percent of your boobs sticking out from your top. Cover it up ladies.
3. Different colored roots and or multi colored hair. If your natural color is starting to come back through your roots it's time to dye it again. Yes, we notice. If you have blonde hair with brown and black streaks or any version of such you automatically look like a druggie. Pick a color people.
4. Smoking. I don't even think it needs explanation.
5. Using *cough, cough* choice words. You sound disgusting! Buy yourself some soap and wash out that mouth of yours!

Okay, there's five, I have plenty more, but this shall do for now! Tata for now my friends!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gettin' My Nails Did...

So my mama really needed a pedicure and I'm never one to pass up a pedi! We always go to this junkie little place ran by some really rude Asians...I'm Asian so it's all good, but oh my gosh these people pretty much bark at you to pick a color and then they proceed to ignore you while talking (yelling) to their family members in a different language!!!!! Wtflip?! On the flip side, they do a pretty good job for cheap! Good enough for me! I may spend a fortune on my hair, but my nasty toes don't deserve such treatment! Au revoir lovely's!

Friday, August 16, 2013


So I got bangs...yay? No. Not yay. The complete and total opposite of yay in fact...

I went to my favorite salon ready for an amazing haircut because if I'm going to pay forty bucks plus a tip I expect amazingness. They always do a good job...ALWAYS!!!! So what the flip happened?! I got a newer hair stylist, my usual one moved. So I really wanted Zooey Deschanel bangs! I have basically the same hair type, just not as long! Plus, my hair is about as close as I'm going to get to looking anything like Zooey Deschanel because I am well Asian. So basically I have very few options in looking like Miss Deschanel.

I showed my stylist, who was very nice and did a fantastic job on my trim, a picture:

I then said I wanted long bangs, below my eyebrows, full, and not blunt. I told her I want them to be very flirty rather than modern looking fringe crap (not in that exact context, I swear I wasn't rude!) and I wanted pieces on the sides that are shorter than my actual hair, but quite a bit longer than the bangs. So she said "okay no problem, I'll cut them at your eyes and then you can show me how much shorter you want from there!" Perfect, I think, great plan.

Well apparently we just screwed the plan because she did no such thing. She just went for it. The results?
Short, man, mullet bangs. MULLET BANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wtflip?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate them!!!! I almost cried! What to do, what to do??!!! She cut too much on the sides to pin them up, too short to put a headband over, too short and weird to leave down, I have no options. These are no where near Zooey Deschanel bangs. I am thouroughly upset about my hair!!! I suppose I'll have to wait until they grow. Joy. Perfect for the girl who's hair grows at a slugs pace. Oy with the poodles already.

Well, in honor of my hair idol, for our song of the day:

I love this song and learned it on the ukulele, so at the very least I can play the same instrument as her.